Pink Shell Cowrie Gift Set


Our Pink Shell Cowrie Gift set features our Pink Shell Necklace and Pink Shell Cowrie Earrings.  All Gift Sets come complimentarily gift wrapped in our premium Golden Cowrie Gift Box.

The Pink Shell Necklace features a beautiful circular gold plated pendant with a pink pearl shell inlay, strung on a 16 inch gold plated chain with a 2 inch chain extender. The Pink Shell Cowrie Earrings features a pair of pink shell/genuine cowrie shell earrings, electroplated in 24 carat gold hook earring findings.

For light touch, pair these beauties with a pastel-pink midi dress with bold, puffy sleeves for a rosy, feminine style.

Mother of Pearl: Prosperity, imagination and intuition.

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Our Pink Shell Cowrie Gift set features our Pink Shell Necklace and Pink Shell Cowrie Earrings.  All Gift Sets come complimentarily gift wrapped in our premium Golden Cowrie Gift Box.

The Pink Shell Necklace features a beautiful circular gold plated pendant with a pink pearl shell inlay, strung on a 16 inch gold plated chain with a 2 inch chain extender. The Pink Shell Cowrie Earrings features a pair of pink shell/genuine cowrie shell earrings, electroplated in 24 carat gold hook earring findings.

For light touch, pair these beauties with a pastel-pink midi dress with bold, puffy sleeves for a rosy, feminine style.

Mother of Pearl: Prosperity, imagination and intuition.

Our Pink Shell Cowrie Gift set features our Pink Shell Necklace and Pink Shell Cowrie Earrings.  All Gift Sets come complimentarily gift wrapped in our premium Golden Cowrie Gift Box.

The Pink Shell Necklace features a beautiful circular gold plated pendant with a pink pearl shell inlay, strung on a 16 inch gold plated chain with a 2 inch chain extender. The Pink Shell Cowrie Earrings features a pair of pink shell/genuine cowrie shell earrings, electroplated in 24 carat gold hook earring findings.

For light touch, pair these beauties with a pastel-pink midi dress with bold, puffy sleeves for a rosy, feminine style.

Mother of Pearl: Prosperity, imagination and intuition.