Labradorite Cowrie Gift Set


Our Labradorite Cowrie Gift Set features our Labradorite Beacon Necklace and Labradorite Cowrie Earrings. All Gift Sets come complimentarily gift wrapped in our premium Golden Cowrie Gift Box.

Our Labradorite Beacon Necklace features a hexagonally cut labradorite stone pendant, hung on a gold chain electroplated in 24 carat gold.

Our Labradorite Cowrie Earrings features a pair of gold-plated cowrie earrings adorned with hexagonally cut labradorite stones. This iridescent beauty is ‘the stone’ of transformation. Wear this multi-faceted piece encourage creativity, positive and strength through the changing tides of life. Allow your spirit to have faith and trust in the wonders of the Universe.

Labradorite: Transformation, clarity and kindness.

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Our Labradorite Cowrie Gift Set features our Labradorite Beacon Necklace and Labradorite Cowrie Earrings. All Gift Sets come complimentarily gift wrapped in our premium Golden Cowrie Gift Box.

Our Labradorite Beacon Necklace features a hexagonally cut labradorite stone pendant, hung on a gold chain electroplated in 24 carat gold.

Our Labradorite Cowrie Earrings features a pair of gold-plated cowrie earrings adorned with hexagonally cut labradorite stones. This iridescent beauty is ‘the stone’ of transformation. Wear this multi-faceted piece encourage creativity, positive and strength through the changing tides of life. Allow your spirit to have faith and trust in the wonders of the Universe.

Labradorite: Transformation, clarity and kindness.

Our Labradorite Cowrie Gift Set features our Labradorite Beacon Necklace and Labradorite Cowrie Earrings. All Gift Sets come complimentarily gift wrapped in our premium Golden Cowrie Gift Box.

Our Labradorite Beacon Necklace features a hexagonally cut labradorite stone pendant, hung on a gold chain electroplated in 24 carat gold.

Our Labradorite Cowrie Earrings features a pair of gold-plated cowrie earrings adorned with hexagonally cut labradorite stones. This iridescent beauty is ‘the stone’ of transformation. Wear this multi-faceted piece encourage creativity, positive and strength through the changing tides of life. Allow your spirit to have faith and trust in the wonders of the Universe.

Labradorite: Transformation, clarity and kindness.