Labradorite Gift Set


Our Labradorite Gift set features our Labradorite Bar Necklace and Labradorite Studs.  All Gift Sets come complimentarily gift wrapped in our premium Golden Cowrie Gift Box.

The Labradorite Bar Necklace features a 4cm hexagonally chiselled bar design, topped with gold plating and strung on a 16 inch gold plated chain with a 2 inch chain extender. While our Labradorite Studs features a pair of multi-faceted gemstone studs in a half-dome design.

This iridescent beauty is ‘the stone’ of transformation. Wear this multi-faceted gems to encourage creativity, positive and strength through the changing tides of life. Allow your spirit to have faith and trust in the wonders of the Universe.

Labradorite: Transformation, clarity and kindness.

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Our Labradorite Gift set features our Labradorite Bar Necklace and Labradorite Studs.  All Gift Sets come complimentarily gift wrapped in our premium Golden Cowrie Gift Box.

The Labradorite Bar Necklace features a 4cm hexagonally chiselled bar design, topped with gold plating and strung on a 16 inch gold plated chain with a 2 inch chain extender. While our Labradorite Studs features a pair of multi-faceted gemstone studs in a half-dome design.

This iridescent beauty is ‘the stone’ of transformation. Wear this multi-faceted gems to encourage creativity, positive and strength through the changing tides of life. Allow your spirit to have faith and trust in the wonders of the Universe.

Labradorite: Transformation, clarity and kindness.

Our Labradorite Gift set features our Labradorite Bar Necklace and Labradorite Studs.  All Gift Sets come complimentarily gift wrapped in our premium Golden Cowrie Gift Box.

The Labradorite Bar Necklace features a 4cm hexagonally chiselled bar design, topped with gold plating and strung on a 16 inch gold plated chain with a 2 inch chain extender. While our Labradorite Studs features a pair of multi-faceted gemstone studs in a half-dome design.

This iridescent beauty is ‘the stone’ of transformation. Wear this multi-faceted gems to encourage creativity, positive and strength through the changing tides of life. Allow your spirit to have faith and trust in the wonders of the Universe.

Labradorite: Transformation, clarity and kindness.