Rose Quartz Cowrie Gift Set


Our Rose Quartz Cowrie Gift Set features our Rose Quartz Beacon Necklace and Rose Quartz Cowrie Earrings. All Gift Sets come complimentarily gift wrapped in our premium Golden Cowrie Gift Box.

Our Rose Quartz Beacon Necklace features a hexagonally cut rose quartz pendant, hung on a gold chain electroplated in 24 carat gold.

Our Rose Quartz Cowrie Earrings features a pair of gold-plated cowrie earrings adorned with hexagonally cut rose quartz stones. The stone of unconditional love and compassion, this little gem is sure to heal and support you through a broken heart and fill your soul with all the warm fuzzy feels.

Rose Quartz: Unconditional love, compassion and optimism.

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Our Rose Quartz Cowrie Gift Set features our Rose Quartz Beacon Necklace and Rose Quartz Cowrie Earrings. All Gift Sets come complimentarily gift wrapped in our premium Golden Cowrie Gift Box.

Our Rose Quartz Beacon Necklace features a hexagonally cut rose quartz pendant, hung on a gold chain electroplated in 24 carat gold.

Our Rose Quartz Cowrie Earrings features a pair of gold-plated cowrie earrings adorned with hexagonally cut rose quartz stones. The stone of unconditional love and compassion, this little gem is sure to heal and support you through a broken heart and fill your soul with all the warm fuzzy feels.

Rose Quartz: Unconditional love, compassion and optimism.

Our Rose Quartz Cowrie Gift Set features our Rose Quartz Beacon Necklace and Rose Quartz Cowrie Earrings. All Gift Sets come complimentarily gift wrapped in our premium Golden Cowrie Gift Box.

Our Rose Quartz Beacon Necklace features a hexagonally cut rose quartz pendant, hung on a gold chain electroplated in 24 carat gold.

Our Rose Quartz Cowrie Earrings features a pair of gold-plated cowrie earrings adorned with hexagonally cut rose quartz stones. The stone of unconditional love and compassion, this little gem is sure to heal and support you through a broken heart and fill your soul with all the warm fuzzy feels.

Rose Quartz: Unconditional love, compassion and optimism.