Sunstone Cowrie Gift Set


Our Sunstone Cowrie Gift set features our Sunstone Necklace and Sunstone Cowrie Earrings.  All Gift Sets come complimentarily gift wrapped in our premium Golden Cowrie Gift Box.

The Sunstone Necklace features a beautiful circular gold plated pendant with a sunstone stone inlay, strung on a 16 inch gold plated chain with a 2 inch chain extender. The Sunstone Cowrie Earrings features a pair of sunstone/genuine cowrie shell earrings, electroplated in 24 carat gold hook earring findings.

Warm and amber in appearance, sunstone is a feldspar gemstone here to help y’all shine with happiness, good fortune, vitality and confidence! Associated with the sacral and solar plexus chakra, sunstone assists by clearing and re-energising the soul. By showcasing this set, you will surely feel fearless and empowered to conquer the world!

Sunstone: Confidence, joy and vitality.

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Our Sunstone Cowrie Gift set features our Sunstone Necklace and Sunstone Cowrie Earrings.  All Gift Sets come complimentarily gift wrapped in our premium Golden Cowrie Gift Box.

The Sunstone Necklace features a beautiful circular gold plated pendant with a sunstone stone inlay, strung on a 16 inch gold plated chain with a 2 inch chain extender. The Sunstone Cowrie Earrings features a pair of sunstone/genuine cowrie shell earrings, electroplated in 24 carat gold hook earring findings.

Warm and amber in appearance, sunstone is a feldspar gemstone here to help y’all shine with happiness, good fortune, vitality and confidence! Associated with the sacral and solar plexus chakra, sunstone assists by clearing and re-energising the soul. By showcasing this set, you will surely feel fearless and empowered to conquer the world!

Sunstone: Confidence, joy and vitality.

Our Sunstone Cowrie Gift set features our Sunstone Necklace and Sunstone Cowrie Earrings.  All Gift Sets come complimentarily gift wrapped in our premium Golden Cowrie Gift Box.

The Sunstone Necklace features a beautiful circular gold plated pendant with a sunstone stone inlay, strung on a 16 inch gold plated chain with a 2 inch chain extender. The Sunstone Cowrie Earrings features a pair of sunstone/genuine cowrie shell earrings, electroplated in 24 carat gold hook earring findings.

Warm and amber in appearance, sunstone is a feldspar gemstone here to help y’all shine with happiness, good fortune, vitality and confidence! Associated with the sacral and solar plexus chakra, sunstone assists by clearing and re-energising the soul. By showcasing this set, you will surely feel fearless and empowered to conquer the world!

Sunstone: Confidence, joy and vitality.